I wonder how many different spaces I have occupied in this world, how many couches, how many elevators, how many street crossings?
And then I wonder for how much time I have occupied this space, the one I’m sitting in right now as I type these words with conviction and vanity that someone out there will feel the same thing as I am right now- this overwhelming feeling of comfort. Of all the spaces in the world that I am yet to occupy, this one at home gives me the strength to be excited about the rest of them.
You know that moment when you’re living a moment and you have a sensation, an admonition/premonition that this is going to be saved in your heart as a good memory, the kind you think back to in harder times
Hand cooked meals, fully cooked rotis, the comfort of a fan at your own speed, the allowance to enjoy the rains without worrying about the drying clothes outside, a bean bag, yellow lights, three family members who wouldn’t think twice before doing something for you
My parents are in their room and I can hear them laughing about a joke only they both understand. We have made so many inside jokes in the past 5 months my mother says if an outsider hears us talk, they will never want to- again. I wake up to my father exercising on the terrace, I see him do weights and that’s the best good morning. I sleep knowing I have no alarm to wake up tomorrow. I do not know which gods to thank for this absolutely leisurely life but there sure is a lot of gratitude
Why build walls when you can decorate them?

What more do we want than to sit back at the end of a day and have our lives unfold in front of us as we sip coffee like a satisfied consumer of this grand drama?
This wall is my drama.
It screams 'Manasi'
And just like that, it was evening.
This is where I sat when I read Kahlil Gibran for the first time, when I learnt what the word 'profound' meant, when I made meticulous notes for my 10th boards, where I wrote my first love letter.
it is where I have grown, vegetated and grown some more.
This is the place I have lost myself only to look up suddenly to know that 4 hours have passed and it's dusk now.
This is where I have lost myself, lost things underneath the pile of to-do lists.
This is, without doubt the place in the world that I have most habited. It's a space with a mind of it's own. It's a space with my buttprints on it and it is the only place where I am most at home.

Home away from home.