"Here art thou, and here be my art."
- not Shakespeare
Here is my own rendition of an art piece installation called
'Impact of a book' by Jorge Méndez Blake.
The first image brings out how much effect a book can have
on a person's life.
The second image is my adaptation of it. I call it: Intimidation by great people.
I've replaced the brick wall with all the books in my house and what's beneath,
causing an impact in the form of an upward bump is my diary, the one I use to
record my own musings, conflicts and moments of beauty.
दास्तान | کہانی : A story
Born out of a compelling need to create a piece of
art from Tajdar Junaid's stunning musical composition
from the album 'What colour is your raindrop',
Dastaan is a celebration of the ordinary and our
quest for a story in it.
This 4 minute long short film will talk to you as much as you talk to it- so lean in and feel it all. A lot of love and effort has gone into creating this. Go ahead, make it your own Dastaan
Peti project
Our grandmother's bachelor possession now proudly adorns our living.

Impact of a book by Jorge Méndez Blake

I'm trying to convey that in the face of all the art that is deemed great, what you create matters.
The things you write, the things you build, paint, sing or dance to -what you create has intrinsic worth and a possibility of making a difference in someone life- best if that someone is first you.
It's a call to not hesitate to create for the fear that it's not going to be good enough, because there's nothing like 'good enough'
Keep creating!
